I love these books. In Riordan's own words, Non Western writers need to be allowed to tell their own stories, and these books are a great way to introduce a YA reader to different cultures and stories from around the world.
So, I couldn't help myself, and I made it into a teaching moment. Because that's kind of what I do.
Kids who read books about modern kids immersed in mythical stories then become interested in those origin stories, and so I gathered some resources about Hindu religion and mythology to give kids a way to look deeper into it.
This website contains a nice, kid friendly summary of various aspects of Hindu culture, the gods, and the more famous story.
This youtube video on Shiva the God of Destruction and the rest of this list of Hindu gods.
For more fun, check out these books:
Hindu stories book
More Hindu stories from Sanskrit
A guide to the various Hindu gods.
(All amazon links are affiliate links, and if you buy through them, I will get a few pennies. Thank you for the pennies.)